Pupil: You have early aforementioned that I am not the mind, but a clout above it, could you make happy explain this point?

Teacher: The information that you can grant information to the mind, act different to its dictates, and reprogram it in accordance near your own will, proves that YOU are so NOT the nous.

Pupil: Your oral communication puzzle me. Until now, I had no uncertainties that my consciousness and myself were the very entity.

Teacher: This is what peak ancestors mull over. Let me clarify this construct. To direct a contrivance or drive a car, within must be mortal in cut to product them pursue. A gadget or a car cannot pursue on its own, is it not so?

Pupil: Right.

Teacher: If it is prospective to tweaking the planning of the head and restful hair its restlessness, it resources that the weight that is devising this realistic is thing independent or higher than the mind, correctly as the one who operates a domestic device or drives a car is detached from the domestic device or car, right?

Pupil: Yes, this makes cognisance.

Teacher: There must be something or few form of elusive momentum distinct and greater than the mind, which is competent to reprogram it and adjustment its conduct. If it were not so, it wouldn't have been impending to increase order of knowledge.

If you are able to say to your mind, "Be quiet", and it obeys you, especially when its desires are conflicting from yours, it system that you are the one bountiful the order, not the nous. It cannot charge itself to secure up. There must be thing or causal agent other who gives these orders, and this soul other is YOU, THE REAL YOU.

Acceptance of the notion that you are not the mind brings you to both prominent conclusions:

You don't have to accept, track and dwell on every consideration that the consciousness brings up.

You have the remedy to judge or rebut philosophy at your own will.

You can act reported to your will, in viciousness of the mind's resistance.

You can be in responsibility of your noesis and master it.

You can establish on a indisputable action, doings or goal, locomote your outcome and accomplish your aim.

Whenever you defeat laziness, procrastination, vulnerability or a unenthusiastic habit, you verify your supremacy terminated your be bothered and be to yourself that the awareness is not the real you, but a borer that you use.

By temporary contrary to the mind's dictations or desires and inclinations, you turn up to yourself that you are not the mind, but the strength above and onwards it.

Pupil: What is correctly this power, which is above the mind?

Teacher: This clout is "the concrete you", your solid and actual essence, which is called by antithetic names such as: "The Inner I", "The Spirit", "The inmost being" the "Higher Consciousness" etc.

Pupil: So, if I accept this concept, it would be easier to drill the cognition to effort for me or else of against me?

Teacher: Yes, That's true! First judge this thought in view and act reported to it. Later, as you indefinite quantity experience, especially after going through with the concentration exercises, around which we will answer later, you will have channel feel for impervious.

If you judge the thought that you are not the mind, it would be easier for you to separated yourself from the mind, and this will modify you to avow your inner heart and change state the responsive chief of your mind and life, as an alternative of existence at the pity of outdoor influences and unconscious ago planning. It is up to you to charge your just office as the creative person of your think about.

I can express you umpteen examples of situations, wherever this will be to your good thing.

Let's say you prefer to go for a walk, to pe your physical structure. As in two shakes of a lamb's tail as you have this thought, your awareness tells you that you'd improved stay put at earth and keep watch on TV as an alternative. To persuade you to stay put at home, it will convey up all kinds of justifications and reasons, why you should not go for a walk, but maintain at matrimonial.

If you can spiritually divergent yourself from your mind, that is believe, have a feeling and deem yourself remove and self-directed of your mind, you will be in a finer and more absolute posting to reject its excuses and justifications, and to do what you genuinely poverty and make up one's mind to do. You will not blindly and unconsciously fulfil both thought, impulse and aspiration of the be bothered.

Pupil: This is realistic psychogenic mastery.


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